Saturday, July 24, 2010
It is amazing how a good run can change everything. Went on a run yesterday on the beach, over a rocky hill, then through some farm land and it was excellent. I really haven't been running too much and apparently i really really miss it. During the run I decided at least needed to make a goal and have something to work for. I decided to go big so with you as my witness, I am going to attempt to run the entirety of the Arizona trail in the Fall of 2011. It is 800 miles and I would like to do it in around 20 days which would mean averaging 40 miles a day. This is a huuuge goal, but people run the appalachian triail (more than 2000 miles averaging more than 40 alll the time. and by all the time i mean very seldom) And I think I can do it. And if i do I'll be able to enter into the hardrock 100 trail race for the next year which is apparently a life goal of mine. Ready go.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I enjoy long sunrise walks on the beach.
The fan did little but blow hot air across his. As he lay in bed, his feet dangling listlessly off the end, he pressured himself to forget the one subject that had delayed his dreams for the last fortnight. In fact, it was only a dream that plagued his mind when he had nothing to preoccupy it and a good one at that, but a dream all the same. Instead, he began to think of ways to distract himself. He looked back to the week before and remembered all that had happened. Immediately he remembered an addition of one more to his loving family. His beautiful sister and her marginally attractive husband had given birth to the most beautiful baby boy named Kian. It was by far his most handsome nephew, and though he would not tell the others, his favorite. And although it was actually his only nephew, he had decided that no one, especially his younger brother, could ever produce such a beautiful boy named Kian. He usually corresponded to his siblings in the post, but since the letter carrier was once again laid up at home with a particularly nasty case of leprosy he had to resort to other means of communication. He decided on SkypeTM, even though it was a bit too fast for his taste. From thousands of miles away he got to chat with his one-day-old nephew. Chat doesn’t really convey the one sidedness of their conversation but after all, he had been asleep for nine months so he let it slide. He had to admit it was bitter sweet meeting his nephew on a computer when most of his family and half of Idaho, which is his brother-in-law’s family, had already met him in person. He felt a great warmth seeing his sister and brother-in-law with their son, noticing at once the loving looks they gave the baby and each other. He was very proud of his sister and new she would be an amazing mom, but still had doubts about that marginally attractive brother-in-law. God willing, his amazing, beautiful, intelligent, best parents in the entire universe will delve in to their deep hearts and send him to Boise so his nephew can finally meet his soon to be favorite uncle.
He didn’t really know his favorite color. He really didn’t know why he was pondering colors, but he was so he surrendered. He used to think it was yellow, but has to admit the reason was probably because no one else’s favorite color was yellow. He was tired of the common blues and greens that his companions consistently chose. Orange was the un-unique unique color, caused by people wanting to be unique, choosing what other “unique” people were choosing, thus condemning themselves to and endless life of his scrutiny. But yellow was more often than not quite and ugly color, so it was rarely chosen. Bananas, he said out loud. He wondered why he said that out loud and hoped his flat mate didn’t hear him, but agreed with himself that banana yellow was indeed a gross yellow. He thought back to 8 seconds ago when he noticed how weird the word unique looks. He was always doing this, writing simple words and not knowing if it was spelled right because it looked strange. Highlighter yellow, he thankfully said to himself, is more of yellow than it is highlighter color. He decided green was his favorite color.
He had done many new things that week, for instance he had a conversation in Spanish about a road bike with a Spanish Native, he was always trying to be PC. The Native had said something to the effect of these are my bikes (he learned a few minutes later that he was the rep for that bike company), and he replied oh si es una bicicleta Buena. It is a good bike. He was very happy with himself. He had also for the first time gone scuba diving. He was unusually nervous on the drive to the little cove situated below the lighthouse. Perhaps it was because an attractive young lady had told him that she had panicked when she went under the first time. He had told this gorgeous woman, (btw, she makes the rainclouds disappear and the sun always shines when she’s near) that he was a good complimenter and felt this a good time showcase his abilities even if it might be a bit over the top. Mission accomplished, he knew. In the end he didn’t panic. In fact he hardly needed any help from the instructor. And although most of the wildlife in the area was in the local tapas bars, he still enjoyed the experience immensely. It was relaxing, with only your darth vader breathing to listen too you can escape to a different realm. He hopes he can do some more.
His eyes are drooping and the frequency of red squiggly underlined words is increasing with every touch of the space bar. He thinks he has time for one more first so he soldiers on. He had woken up at 5am that morning to go to a beach, for a run. A run that was to be photographed, for a website. He wondered if this officially made him a model. He said yes, firmly. It was a sunrise shot and he was running down a beach hand in hand with his new girlfriend. It was quite early for a new relationship but it had been along time so he didn’t complain. They ran 10 feet with the sun rising at their backs and repeated, and repeated and…well he thinks you get the point. The photographer thinks they got a few good shots, and he was pleased. His debut went pretty smoothly. Unfortunately his relationship with his girlfriend didn’t last very long but alas he is young. He was rewarded for his ability to wake up early with a coupon to a nice restaurant on the resort where he works. It is a dinner for two, so he is wondering if he can have two separate dinners for 1. Or he will just wait for another photoshoot at a restaurant. Or even a date with a hot babe, who knows?
His eyes are almost shut now, and although he still has that subject in his head, the stress of being a professional scuba diver/model/bike mechanic/barbeque master has once again tuckered him out and he slips deep into his perfect world, a stain of drool forming on his pillow.
He didn’t really know his favorite color. He really didn’t know why he was pondering colors, but he was so he surrendered. He used to think it was yellow, but has to admit the reason was probably because no one else’s favorite color was yellow. He was tired of the common blues and greens that his companions consistently chose. Orange was the un-unique unique color, caused by people wanting to be unique, choosing what other “unique” people were choosing, thus condemning themselves to and endless life of his scrutiny. But yellow was more often than not quite and ugly color, so it was rarely chosen. Bananas, he said out loud. He wondered why he said that out loud and hoped his flat mate didn’t hear him, but agreed with himself that banana yellow was indeed a gross yellow. He thought back to 8 seconds ago when he noticed how weird the word unique looks. He was always doing this, writing simple words and not knowing if it was spelled right because it looked strange. Highlighter yellow, he thankfully said to himself, is more of yellow than it is highlighter color. He decided green was his favorite color.
He had done many new things that week, for instance he had a conversation in Spanish about a road bike with a Spanish Native, he was always trying to be PC. The Native had said something to the effect of these are my bikes (he learned a few minutes later that he was the rep for that bike company), and he replied oh si es una bicicleta Buena. It is a good bike. He was very happy with himself. He had also for the first time gone scuba diving. He was unusually nervous on the drive to the little cove situated below the lighthouse. Perhaps it was because an attractive young lady had told him that she had panicked when she went under the first time. He had told this gorgeous woman, (btw, she makes the rainclouds disappear and the sun always shines when she’s near) that he was a good complimenter and felt this a good time showcase his abilities even if it might be a bit over the top. Mission accomplished, he knew. In the end he didn’t panic. In fact he hardly needed any help from the instructor. And although most of the wildlife in the area was in the local tapas bars, he still enjoyed the experience immensely. It was relaxing, with only your darth vader breathing to listen too you can escape to a different realm. He hopes he can do some more.
His eyes are drooping and the frequency of red squiggly underlined words is increasing with every touch of the space bar. He thinks he has time for one more first so he soldiers on. He had woken up at 5am that morning to go to a beach, for a run. A run that was to be photographed, for a website. He wondered if this officially made him a model. He said yes, firmly. It was a sunrise shot and he was running down a beach hand in hand with his new girlfriend. It was quite early for a new relationship but it had been along time so he didn’t complain. They ran 10 feet with the sun rising at their backs and repeated, and repeated and…well he thinks you get the point. The photographer thinks they got a few good shots, and he was pleased. His debut went pretty smoothly. Unfortunately his relationship with his girlfriend didn’t last very long but alas he is young. He was rewarded for his ability to wake up early with a coupon to a nice restaurant on the resort where he works. It is a dinner for two, so he is wondering if he can have two separate dinners for 1. Or he will just wait for another photoshoot at a restaurant. Or even a date with a hot babe, who knows?
His eyes are almost shut now, and although he still has that subject in his head, the stress of being a professional scuba diver/model/bike mechanic/barbeque master has once again tuckered him out and he slips deep into his perfect world, a stain of drool forming on his pillow.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
About to go for my first run since i've been here. Can't believe I haven't gone running yet. I guess I'm only now getting over the jet lag fully, and i've been working non stop and i'm a lazy bum. I have been bicycling though (I said I'd talk about it didn't I?). There are so many bicylists here. The roads in the mornings are full of them...Its no wonder the US is so fat in comparison to other countries. We did a 30 mile loop from the resort and it took us up hills to some beautiful views of the sea, then through some small villages and farm land. Its quite pretty here, some really nice hills and the sea and loads of olive and lemon trees.
So I just said 'loads'. Thats very british. I am surround by british people and have already started using their words. Its kind of annoying cuz I feel fake...and british but people don't really know what to say when i say whats up. 'How you goin', or 'you alright there' seems to work better. Speaking of language, Spanish spanish is soo much different then what we learn in the states. And even if i was in Mexico i would still suck at it. I was at a bar and lady came over and said something and I just said, dos cervesas por favor...later we think she asked if we had been helped...whoops.
The world cup! I don't use this version often but O.M.G!!! We went back to the same bar/restaurant to watch it but with way more people. It was super intense before they scored. Everyone was getting ridiculously frustrated. It was a great example of a real soccer nation in the thick of it. And once they scored...oh man. Even I was up on my feet dancing...but only for a minute...They carried on until the game was over still celebrating that goal. I didn't think it could be more ridiculous until the ref blew the final whistle. Mayhem. People were crying, kissing hugging, humping (with their clothes on i wasn't in madrid) climbing on top of each other, crying some more and singing alot. Yo soy espanol, espanol, espanol! I sang along to the other songs even though I didn't know the words, but felt like I didn't deserve to sing that one. Everybody had been drinking heavily (3 of us polished of 3 buckets of 10 beers, they were small-20 centileters, whatever that means but probably about 8-10 oz, and we were feeling great). Anyway, after the match everyone got in the their cars and drove around the small neighbor hooonking and blasting "we are the champions." Remember, everyone was drinking. A bit sketchy but hey they deserved it and all the under 10 year olds were on the sidewalk out of the way...for the most part. They got out a hose and everyone was dancing and singing in the street and getting drenched, there were mini fireworks and just plain crazyness. I was loving just watching it go down, I can't imagine how amazing everyone felt. I really can't describe it well enough. Just be jealous and that will work for me.
Off to run now, trying to find my way to a cliff that overlooks the Med. Going scuba diving on thursday! and perhaps doing some modeling later on. Yes I am going to be a model. Not really, but I'm going to pretend. Geoff (cousin-in-law and boss) might be taking pictures of me and my pseudo-girlfriend (sorry mom) running on a beach at sunrise, so they can use the pictures for the resort website. You can be jealous again, I don't mind. Adios,
So I just said 'loads'. Thats very british. I am surround by british people and have already started using their words. Its kind of annoying cuz I feel fake...and british but people don't really know what to say when i say whats up. 'How you goin', or 'you alright there' seems to work better. Speaking of language, Spanish spanish is soo much different then what we learn in the states. And even if i was in Mexico i would still suck at it. I was at a bar and lady came over and said something and I just said, dos cervesas por favor...later we think she asked if we had been helped...whoops.
The world cup! I don't use this version often but O.M.G!!! We went back to the same bar/restaurant to watch it but with way more people. It was super intense before they scored. Everyone was getting ridiculously frustrated. It was a great example of a real soccer nation in the thick of it. And once they scored...oh man. Even I was up on my feet dancing...but only for a minute...They carried on until the game was over still celebrating that goal. I didn't think it could be more ridiculous until the ref blew the final whistle. Mayhem. People were crying, kissing hugging, humping (with their clothes on i wasn't in madrid) climbing on top of each other, crying some more and singing alot. Yo soy espanol, espanol, espanol! I sang along to the other songs even though I didn't know the words, but felt like I didn't deserve to sing that one. Everybody had been drinking heavily (3 of us polished of 3 buckets of 10 beers, they were small-20 centileters, whatever that means but probably about 8-10 oz, and we were feeling great). Anyway, after the match everyone got in the their cars and drove around the small neighbor hooonking and blasting "we are the champions." Remember, everyone was drinking. A bit sketchy but hey they deserved it and all the under 10 year olds were on the sidewalk out of the way...for the most part. They got out a hose and everyone was dancing and singing in the street and getting drenched, there were mini fireworks and just plain crazyness. I was loving just watching it go down, I can't imagine how amazing everyone felt. I really can't describe it well enough. Just be jealous and that will work for me.
Off to run now, trying to find my way to a cliff that overlooks the Med. Going scuba diving on thursday! and perhaps doing some modeling later on. Yes I am going to be a model. Not really, but I'm going to pretend. Geoff (cousin-in-law and boss) might be taking pictures of me and my pseudo-girlfriend (sorry mom) running on a beach at sunrise, so they can use the pictures for the resort website. You can be jealous again, I don't mind. Adios,
Blog Post
So I’m writing a blog. Never thought I’d do that. Also never thought I’d be a bicycle mechanic on the Mediterranean coast so there you go. So bear with my blogging ignorance. I once tried to keep a diary after reading a mountaineering book by an accomplished mountaineer…he kept a journal. I wrote in it twice. Perhaps it was because I didn’t have stories about nearly dying on the 14 tallest mountains in the world, and instead wrote about my run that day and how I don’t understand women. I feel like this could be more of a success because I’m not complaining to myself about girls and I’m doing more interesting things than running (like road biking! But more on that later).
I started planning this hiatus between undergrad and grad school about a semester in to my sophomore year. It started with plans to become a ski bum after I graduated, then a trip to spain was added when my cousin-in-law (cousin’s husband [partner-they aren’t married]) offered me a job working for him. And it’s all finally starting! Aww snap.
So I’ve been in Spain for 24 hours, and it took about that long to get here. It almost took longer to get here than that because I almost got sent back to the US at the UK border. In a rush the day before, I had forgotten my printed out itinerary. Since I had to change airports in London from Heathrow to Gatwick I had to go through customs, where with out some silly print out, I couldn’t prove that I was leaving the UK in 4 hours time for Spain. Since I look like I’m 13 and I had no stamps in my passport, the grumpy old man chalked it up to my lack of travel experience. This was not before he asked me every single question imaginable. I understand I was in the wrong and he had to make sure I wasn’t some low life trying to become an illegal in London or something, but did he really have to ask me what I intended to do with my musical instrument? No shit Sherlock (Sherlock is from Britain…Awesome joke, I know). But I finally made it through and got to Gatwick so I could spend 3 hours
waiting for my delayed flight in the hot crowded Duty free “mall” that is the main terminal.
Well I finally arrived. The Spanish customs agent didn’t even ask me why I was coming into Spain. That night after being up for 36+hours I went to a local restaurant bar where we ate awful pizza while watching the Spain-Germany Game. There weren’t too many people but enough and it was a really good time. There were grandmas and babies all partying along with the middle agers. IT was a great atmosphere. I’ve already started working in the bike shop. The shop is in a huge resort where a lot of Europeans summer. Its hard to work on my awful Spanish there, but it turns out my bicycle knowledge is quite needed. It’s going to be a busy two months. Hasta Luego.
So I’m writing a blog. Never thought I’d do that. Also never thought I’d be a bicycle mechanic on the Mediterranean coast so there you go. So bear with my blogging ignorance. I once tried to keep a diary after reading a mountaineering book by an accomplished mountaineer…he kept a journal. I wrote in it twice. Perhaps it was because I didn’t have stories about nearly dying on the 14 tallest mountains in the world, and instead wrote about my run that day and how I don’t understand women. I feel like this could be more of a success because I’m not complaining to myself about girls and I’m doing more interesting things than running (like road biking! But more on that later).
I started planning this hiatus between undergrad and grad school about a semester in to my sophomore year. It started with plans to become a ski bum after I graduated, then a trip to spain was added when my cousin-in-law (cousin’s husband [partner-they aren’t married]) offered me a job working for him. And it’s all finally starting! Aww snap.
So I’ve been in Spain for 24 hours, and it took about that long to get here. It almost took longer to get here than that because I almost got sent back to the US at the UK border. In a rush the day before, I had forgotten my printed out itinerary. Since I had to change airports in London from Heathrow to Gatwick I had to go through customs, where with out some silly print out, I couldn’t prove that I was leaving the UK in 4 hours time for Spain. Since I look like I’m 13 and I had no stamps in my passport, the grumpy old man chalked it up to my lack of travel experience. This was not before he asked me every single question imaginable. I understand I was in the wrong and he had to make sure I wasn’t some low life trying to become an illegal in London or something, but did he really have to ask me what I intended to do with my musical instrument? No shit Sherlock (Sherlock is from Britain…Awesome joke, I know). But I finally made it through and got to Gatwick so I could spend 3 hours
waiting for my delayed flight in the hot crowded Duty free “mall” that is the main terminal.
Well I finally arrived. The Spanish customs agent didn’t even ask me why I was coming into Spain. That night after being up for 36+hours I went to a local restaurant bar where we ate awful pizza while watching the Spain-Germany Game. There weren’t too many people but enough and it was a really good time. There were grandmas and babies all partying along with the middle agers. IT was a great atmosphere. I’ve already started working in the bike shop. The shop is in a huge resort where a lot of Europeans summer. Its hard to work on my awful Spanish there, but it turns out my bicycle knowledge is quite needed. It’s going to be a busy two months. Hasta Luego.
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