He just wrote a few sentences in an attempt to update his blog, but it was crap. Instead he called his talented author friend to write another one for him since the last one was awesome. To put it plainly and probably really understating it, his last week was chaotic. There were tens of thousands of people in town (apparently around 100,000). All the out-of-towners still didn't seem to dilute the bro take over and he was starting to get fed up. One of the days he worked (YES HE HAS A JOB) it was sub zero all day. He had found out that week that some law offices don't close for MLK day...dumb. One bitter sweet moment to save him from this week were his multiple skype sessions most notably the one with his family at 6:30 on christmas morning. Jelly Bellies and a stocking, and a christmas cracker and getting to see his beautiful family (obviously this is a pretty strong word for some of his 19 year old brothers) almost made him feel at home, but not really.

It kinda seems like this guy just keeps complaining, but really that isn't what this blog is about. It is about how all those frustrations melted away with two clicks of his boots into his bindings. But this wasn't any normal set of clicks, it was the clicks that signal the start of an adventure. Finally the stars aligned, and by stars he means his and his roommates schedules, and they had the time to do some backcountry. Detracting a little from the bad ass-ness of the adventure was the ski lift ride up to the top so they could get to the backcountry gate. But getting away from that first paragraph and into the untracked, beautiful, empty, slightly windy, raw, and dangerous wilderness was all the bad ass-ness he needed.

The effort coupled with the constant awareness of the avalanche terrain around him let his worries anxieties and frustrations fall away fall from the sky in fresh snow that he was about to destroy. It was yet again another of those awesome moments where there were many factors that could make someone grumpy, strong cold winds, almost zero visibility yet there was a large smile in his face the entire 2000 foot hike to just below the summit of Peak 6 (some unstable looking snow denied their summit attempt).

The skiing wasn't amazing, he could't see 10 feet in front of him and the snow went from wind slab to deep powder every 10 feet or so, but boy was it the most fun he had had on skis yet this season. Scott saying, "Man we need to do this more often" seemed to sum up their morning. There is nothing like earning your turns.
To cap off this awesome day he just found out that while law offices might not close for MLK day, they sometimes let off their employees. And as he tells his author that this should suffice for the blog, he can't help but think to himself, Everything is Promising.
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