Friday, August 20, 2010


I don't know what to write about, except writing about not knowing what to write about. How about an Arizona trail training update! I'm glad you agree. Well I've run twice since decided to make the Arizona trail a goal. This was almost a month ago. So one could say its going well. Granted I have been road biking alot, and getting quite fit. So at least i'm doing something. I have over a year, I'll be fine. I think i want a camera to strap to my head and keep it on for a day, and that can be my blog. Then i won't have to think about what to write about. But if I do think of something i'll have a vlog of me writing my blog, I think that could be pretty intense. It's decided, someone send me a helmet cam.
Speaking of helmet cams, I went to the movie theater last night. It was Una Segunda Vez which means " A second time" which apparently is spanish for "the rebound." Well needless to say it was a romantic comedy, my favorite. It was an outdoor screen, with blown out speakers and plastic chairs. It was awesome. In my restaurant that I am going to start (I just thought of something to write about! next time) I have decided that I will have an outdoor movie theater on the roof. I will also only play the movies in spanish. Why? because romantic comedies are so predictable it doesn't really matter what language it is in. I think watching it in a language I barely know (barely is giving me the benefit of the doubt) made it, it being a romantic comedy, a much better movie. I wasn't rolling my eyes at all the corny lines but instead noticing the subtle details of the movie, like the actors expressions their acting skills and how hot Catherine Zeta-Jones still is. Note: This was not a subtle detail.

Look at this i've already written a bunch and feel good for it. And now I have all sorts of Ideas, but I will save them for later. For instance next post will be about my plans for a Montana Restaurant/bike shop/climbing wall/ brewery/cafe/bakery/movie theater. Maybe i'll include some feelings. I haven't decided yet.

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